Monday, August 1, 2011

McFatty Monday..0.8 pound loss

I lost a little weight since last Monday but I'm still over 195! Ugh.

I had a comment last week from Libby about eating clean and I spent most of last week researching clean eating. It seems great, and more healthy, than just counting calories or cutting out carbs.

The plan is to get started after we get back from the beach in two weeks. I'm going to get a book about clean eating to read while we're at the beach. Mario's on board and we're looking forward to being healthier.

Current weight: 195.4
Weight lost this week: 0.8 pounds

1 comment:

Libby said...

I'm so glad you guys have decided to try out eating clean! I think you're going to feel so much better and see awesome success. Let me know if you have any questions!