Wednesday, May 6, 2009

5 weeks..

I have my post partum ob appointment on Friday and I'm going to take Caroline by Mario's office and then mine so our coworkers can see her. I'm leaving her in the carrier and there won't be any touching.

We're driving to Pearsall this weekend for Mother's Day and it will be our first time spending the night somwhere else. We're taking the pack n play so she'll be sleeping where she's used to sleeping. Hopefully she does well while we're there.

Here are some pictures from the last week.

In the waiting room at the pediatrician's office for her 1 month visit.
In the process of falling asleep in the sling.
Jake watching tummy time.

1 comment:

KH said...

I love her full head of hair! The last picture looks like she's sleeping on daddy - she looks so sweet. :)