Monday, September 20, 2010

McFatty Monday..weeks 35-37

I'm still here..and still weighing-in. I just haven't had a chance to post the past two Mondays. Two weeks ago was Labor Day and we were in Houston. Last week I was in a training class without computer access.

I'm still on the same track of doing pretty well during the week and falling off the wagon on the weekends. Monday is definitely my highest weight of the week and I'm usually down 3-5 lbs by Friday..and back up again on Monday. I've lost the motivation to commit 100% for now because I'm feeling pretty good about myself.

My goal for this week is to track my calories every weekday and walk at least twice. I also want to make better decisions over the weekend.

Current weight: 178.4
Weight GAINED over the past 3 weeks: 1.2 lbs
Total weight lost so far: 65.3 lbs

1 comment:

KH said...

You look great! I found my tennis shoes in a box finally! Wanna walk this week during lunch?