Better late than never right? We hosted Thanksgiving again this year, though my parents bought all the food because we were in Pearsall until Wednesday evening. Our kitchen overhead light went out on Wednesday so we had to use a lamp to cook Thanksgiving dinner.
We fried a turkey in our electric fryer.
We did paper plates this year instead of’s much easier that way.
We put up our Christmas decorations the day after Thanksgiving.
We bought Caroline a pink tree to put in the playroom.
Caroline “helped” me inside while Mario hung the outside lights.
The mantle. That wreath will soon be replaced with a TV. We got a good black Friday deal from Dell on a bigger TV and we’re selling our current one, which will pay for the installation over the fireplace. I can’t wait.
We went to the Kyle tree lighting and waited in line to see Santa for over an hour. We were allowed to take two pictures and this is as good as it got.
So we decided to hit up the mall Santa yesterday. We waited in line for another hour. Caroline did surprisingly well! She’s so excited about Christmas and Santa.
I need to scan the professional turned out really cute. Here’s one that Mario took.
We let her ride the train for being so good in line.
Hello world!
1 year ago
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