Monday, August 23, 2010

McFatty Monday..week 33

It's time for me to get back on track! I haven't tracked my calories in probably a month..and I didn't walk at all last week. I've had several people ask me lately what I've been doing to lose the weight and I've told them about the calorie tracking and walking. A few of my coworkers are on board, motivated, and tracking calories now..and I'm not anymore!

My goal for this week is to track my calories at least every weekday and to walk at least three times.

On a good note, I bought my first pair of size 10 jeans this weekend!! I've been wearing size 10 work pants, but jeans are a different story. Yay! I'm now motivated to stay in a size 10..or smaller.

Current weight: 177
Weight GAINED this week: 0.6 lbs
Total weight lost so far: 66.7 lbs


Libby said...

Wow, I just saw you birthday pix and you look really great! Good for you! So how long do you try to walk during your 3 days?

KH said...

Congrats on the new pants, that's great! Since it's so hot, a cw and I have started walking laps in Travis. Maybe we can meet up and walk some days?

Stephanie said...

Thanks! I walk up and down every street in my neighborhood, which is a little over 3 miles. I usually walk for around 50-55 minutes.

I'm definitely in for the walking. E-mail me about it.