I haven’t really blogged about it..or talked about it..but I would say that Caroline is potty trained. We have tried a few times to start getting her interested in sitting on the potty, and she would, for about two seconds before she would exclaim that she was done and get up and run off. She was the oldest in her daycare class (of 2-3 year olds) that wasn’t potty trained. They have been trying for a few month to get her interested in the potty but she would do the same two second sit for them.
I talked to her pedi at her 2 1/2 year appointment about techniques to use and how to do it and she said to just wait until she was ready and she would pretty much train herself. That sounded like a great idea to me, so that was the plan. About two weeks ago (three weeks after the pedi appointment) daycare said she started asking to sit on the potty..and she would actually go. They kept her in a diaper that week but she only went in the diaper once or twice the entire week. Once she left school, she had no desire to sit on the potty at home so we were still doing diapers. We talked to her teachers about that and they started talking at lot to her about using the big girl potty at home. By that weekend, she was using the potty at home (she even wore panties to Costco and used the potty there).
Since Monday, she’s been in panties full time (except at night, we put her in a diaper but she doesn’t actually go all night, I just don’t want to wake up covered in pee because she sleeps with us). I can’t believe it. I guess she was just ready..and the lollipops she gets for going don’t hurt the situation either.
Hello world!
1 year ago
Yay! go Caroline! It's really so nice to not have to carry diapers around, I carried extra clothes for a while though :) Just in case!
Oh yeah..we have been carrying extra clothes, panties, diapers, etc. I'm paranoid that she's going to pee everywhere.
Yay! Way to go Caroline!
way to go Caroline!
That is fabulous!!! I am so jealous! Britton has no interest in the potty. I tell him his poop is disgusting and that big boys go in the potty and he tells me "no go potty!". I even make him take the nasty diaper to the trash. but he will not budge. he has to be PT'd to go to the preschool class, so I'm hoping he realizes he's a big boy soon!
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