Wow, my blog post titles are so exciting huh?
I got a call around noon today from Caroline's daycare saying that she was running a fever. I had to go pick her up and she can't go back until she's been fever free for 24 hours. Her only other symptom is an occasional cough. I gave her Motrin when we got home and she ran around, played, and ate like normal..until exactly 6 hours later, when the Motrin wore off and the fever came back. We'll see how she does tonight and in the morning and I'll give her pedi a call if the fever keeps going back up. They never have a problem getting us in the same day.
I feel like Caroline has changed so much since I posted her 15 month update. We've had a big "word explosion" over the past two weeks! She tries to repeat a lot of what we today she said "outside" and daycare told us that she's been saying "pink" and "purple." She can also point out most of her body parts. She will respond to questions with "yes" and "no" or with a nod or head shake. She can say all of the words that go along with her signs (eat, milk, all done, more, and please). It's so fun watching her pick up on things. She also has a great sense of humor.
Ignore the crappy picture quality. I wanted to show how she likes to mimic us. She's vaccuuming with her lawnmower. Yes, we now vaccuum the floors during the's much faster than sweeping.
A big thanks to
B for giving us the idea of moving Caroline's crib into our room and pushing it up against our bed. We've been co-sleeping since Caroline was 6.5 months and this is a good first step toward moving her to her own room. Most nights she'll stay in her crib all night. She loves it.
We're working on using utensils..but hands are much easier.