Tuesday, July 5, 2011

McFatty Tuesday..0.2 pound loss

Well, it's better than gaining or not losing, but it's still not back under 190. Once again, I did really well Monday-Wednesday and started slacking off on Thursday. I had a girls night on Thursday and that involved drinking margaritas and eating Mexican food. I did ok on Friday..I even ate a grilled chicken salad at Dairy Queen, but I followed it up with a mini blizzard. :(

I only worked out 3 days last week..I was supposed to do 5. Back to work today and back on track.

Current weight: 190.2
Weight lost this week: 0.2 pounds
Total weight lost so far: 5.6 pounds

1 comment:

Amber said...

Good job losing over the long weekend. That is hard to do! Keep up the good work.